Susanne Gabler Artist


Exhibition ORTSZEITEN in the north chapel of St. Marien Wismar

Susurri is part of the exhibition ORTSZEITEN
opening: Friday, May 3rd, 6 PM
Maurinmühle - a place like many others. Places where our shared history weighs so heavily that it is better not to exist. In such places, you are alone with yourself, surrounded by nature and moved by premonitions. To remember on site means first of all to feel.

Susurri invites you to listen to these feelings.

The wind is caught in the open pipe, vibrates in it and something audible is created in this small space. With silence, concentration and time, everyone can perceive something. Does the wind sound like singing, complaining, crying, shouting? What do you hear? Hearing is a sense. Listening properly makes sense. The Susurri object is an invitation to take time to listen attentively.

The ORTSZEIT exhibition series is an artistic form of remembrance culture. The artists always work on new themes and develop answers to questions about our repressed history, which visitors can explore.

The city of Wismar also provided the Kunstverein Wismar e.V. with an exhibition period in 2024 in the Nordkapelle in St. Marien at its disposal. The Kunstverein has invited the ORTSZEIT exhibition series. Exhibiting artists: Janet Zeugner, Gudrun Brigitta Nöh, Annette Czerny, Rico, Ramona Seyfarth, Renate U. Schürmeyer, Udo Rathke, Susanne Gabler


2023 | word art


word art
in situ Art hall Rostock
as part of the exhibition of nominees for the 17th Rostock Art Prize

This text work addresses the location and context of their existence. In her concentration she becomes lyrical. Reflected in gold, the art shines outwards and its content is reflected in the reflections of its recipients. Always present, the little-discussed fear and its influence on our perceptions, themes and non-discussions. The white letter objects emerge from the wall, approach the viewer and carry their gold on their backs.They radiate their value to the wall, and fortunate is the one who discovers it.

Susurri | Ortszeit IV

2023 | Objekt | Maurinmühle


war Teil der ortsbezogenen Gruppenausstellung
Ortszeit IV Wahrheitsfindung und Versöhnung Maurinmühle Teil 2

Maurinmühle – a place like there are many. Places where our shared history is so heavy that it's better not to exist. In such areas you are alone, surrounded by nature and moved by premonitions.

Susurri lädt vor Ort ein, diesen Gefühlen nachzuspüren.

The wind is caught in the open pipe, swings in it and something audible is created in this small space. With silence, concentration and time, everyone can perceive something.

Does the wind sound like singing, wailing, crying, calling? What do you hear?

Hearing is a sense. Listening in a meaningful way makes only sense.

The installation heard something is an invitation to take time to listen mindfully.


acoustic installation, mixed media, 2023

English (UK)

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