Susanne Gabler Artist


Raft party in Tribsees
"romantic zone"

Art event with DRITTVARIABLE and the Tribsees Women's Association
Saturday and Sunday, September 14 and 15, 2024
Water hiking rest area Tribsees
Nordquebbe, 18465 Tribsees
Before this summer turns into fall, there will be a special celebration. We will all enjoy the outdoors and indoors, each other and the peace and quiet together.
I've wanted to build a raft for a long time. The women of Tribsees have been telling me for a long time that they miss one of their old footbridges over the Trebel when they go for a walk. So what could be more obvious than building a raft to take you across the Trebel?
Nothing. So that's what we're doing. On Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 10 a.m., at the water hiking rest area in Tribsees. And we are the Drittvariable (Lena Biesalski, Felix Fugenzahn, Susanne Gabler, Christian Schönwälder). Because we know how to build something touchingly beautiful. And our special guest Sofie Wagner from NUKO Wismar is supporting us in this project.
And we are not alone. The Tribsees Women's Association is also part of this wonderful and whimsical art project. Because I thought that our raft needed a sail and the women spent weeks crocheting it just for that and now it shines in old pink and white and so that we can really sail slowly - because that's what we want - it has a big hole in the middle that we can see through. We see the most beautiful landscape in the Trebel valley and enjoy discovering the details and the new.
To ensure that the raft floats, we hope that everyone has brought along the floating objects that we are asking for by Saturday (canisters, PET bottles, bouncy animals and balls to sit on).
We are doing all this in Tribsees because the moonlight painter Louis Douzette was born there 190 years ago and we want to celebrate this additional romantic anniversary in our homeland this year (Louis meets Caspar).

Exhibition "Constructed Nature"

Changing landscapes in contemporary art
Opening on Saturday, 6 July 2024 at 5 pm
Doreen Becker (D), Jeannette Castioni (IS), Susanne Gabler (D), Michael Kutzner (D), Jana Rot (D), Susken Rosenthal (D), Ming YE (CN), Hyeonkyeong You (KR)

I am showing my new work "Susurri southwest". It was created during a working stay in Los Angeles from March to April 2024 and addresses our questionable treatment of nature as a result of our way of life. I captured the resulting ecological catastrophes in images that subtly point to the irretrievability of intact nature in the midst of these impressively beautiful landscapes. Each of these landscapes has lost the innocence with which it once offered us sustenance.
Susurris embedded in these landscapes offer to listen to the landcapes

We are overriding something of which we are a part - nature. To stretch its laws, we need machines - built - with materials - from resources. In constant supply or delivery of these, our supply is most strictly dependent on connections. Pipes aptly symbolise this reality.
And in a wonderfully captivating way, the Susurris absorb the resonances of the space around them and by listening to their openings they primarily offer a connection to themselves.


at the Artist Battle 2024 in the Kulturgarten Brüel
Saturday and Sunday, 18 - 19 May 2024
There will be another Artist Battle in the Kulturgarten Brüel in 2024. What's special this time is that three groups of artists are competing on the theme of ‘Crossing Borders’. We are very pleased that we as DRITTVARIABLE have been invited to design a huge wall surface in the Kulturgarten. We are doing this together with our dear colleagues and artist groups Studio 36 from Rostock and Institut für inszenierung from NRW, who were also each given a wall.

There was still plenty of art from recent years to marvel at on the action site in Brüel, Bahnhofsstraße 18B.
Of course, there was another art event with us, so the focus was on the process. Anyone could spray with us. We installed a giant PLOTTOMAT. And off we went for the visitors. They painted - together 😀

Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2024

follow us on Insta: @drittvariable


we present the ROMANTISIZER in the art show 2024 of BBK Mecklenburg-Pomerania

the ROMANTISIZER is an AI work created in collaboration with the artist Carsten Bund
Opening: Saturday, May 4th 2024, 2 PM
Duration of the exhibition: May 4 - June 30, 2024
Opening hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 11 am - 5 pm
To mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich, this year's art exhibition is being held in Greifswald, the city of his birth.

Many artists have explored romanticism on this occasion.

I am very pleased to show an AI work in this form. It was created in collaboration with the artist Carsten Bund. The ROMANTISIZER is constantly painting romantic masterpieces // The Romantics warned us about the desecration of the world and our loss of connection with it. Today we are becoming more romantic than ever. For the transfigured look back at nature, which we have irretrievably lost, unleashes in us a growing longing for intact nature. We are continuing CDF's work. But we have neither intact nature nor the irrepressible belief in God, miracles or ourselves as the greatest creature on earth at our disposal. We use his aesthetics, synthesizing methods and current images of our world. The perception of the changed situation of our nature is symbolized in each picture by the leaning viewer. The ambivalent scenes can depict beautiful sunsets as well as raging natural disasters. Here, the viewers reflect themselves.
English (UK)

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