Susanne Gabler Artist



2022 | Kunst am Bau


Safety Fence
Police Inspection
2016 Contest Winner
Realization 2022


As part of the ring road around Wismar's old town, Dr.-Leber-Straße is primarily a thoroughfare. This location and the lack of quality of stay characterize the area. Passers-by pass by at different speeds. The dynamics of the place can thus be characterized by speed and fleetingness.

Taking up the genius loci, seagulls flying past are the defining motif.
When viewed in detail, individual seagulls can be recognized. From a distance or while passing the fence quickly, the birds can only be perceived as a flock, as a band. The design thus plays with two associations. On the one hand, it picks up on the seagull as an animal that characterizes the port city and, on the other, it recalls the flight of birds that takes place twice a year.

When viewed from the front, the pictorial elements are barely perceptible due to the small front surface of the flat steel profiles. The application of paint looks like spots, but suggests that something will be visible there. When in motion, the viewer can be surprised by the recognizable image.
Depending on the viewing angle and distance, the image sections change and allow the depiction to play out like a movie. This play with perception and the "fleeting" characteristics of "moving" images are appropriate to the location.

Light & Shadow II

2016-2023 | Object

Uferhallen Wedding Berlin
ZNE! explorations in aesthetics and sustainability

Uferhallen Wedding, Berlin (D) 2023 Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem + Pyramida
Art Center, Heifa 2021
Gallery Waidspeicher, Erfurt (D) 2019
Bonn 2018
Parque de Valparaiso, Chile 2017
Nikolai church, Rostock 2016

Detour use - Design processes are processes of appropriation. They offer the opportunity to become aware of one's own power to act and shape the world in a self-willed way. Processes in which self-determination over one's own life is developed.


2022,2023 | installation

seit 2019

Künstlerhaus Dortmund 2022 Kunsthalle Rostock 2023

gefunden … Zu viel Arbeit, zu weite Wege, zu lange Abwesenheit, zu kaputt, zu schmutzig, zu anders, zu groß, zu klein, zu unpassend, zu gruselig, zu mitgenommen, zu dunkel, zu eintönig, zu viel erlebt, zu wenig erlebt, zu bunt, zu langweilig, zu albern, zu modern, zu alt, zu politisch unkorrekt, zu eigenartig …
Es gibt viele Gründe, die es erschweren, einen passenden Zweiten zu finden.

This installation has now grown to more than 150 gloves since 2019. As an installation, it is impressive due to its size and diversity. When the individual parts are removed they are objectified.

English (UK)

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