Susanne Gabler Artist

Future of past

2023 | installation | word art

Future of past

Forex; Blattmetall, gold

Church installation

The characters look familiar, like writing. However, only three words are legible: 

FUTURE of past. 

The other elements are characters morphed from old fracture and modern grotesque. The fonts of the past and the present, when freely assembled, form a new connection and, in their illegibility, they form symbols for the viewer. 

In trying to decipher these simultaneously known and unknown characters, we read our own story. The feelings conveyed correspond to the inklings that form from the fragmented memories and stories that each family carries. Traumatic war experiences are often unresolved and often arise in human interaction rather than on specific war fronts. 

Approaching our shared history with our hearts and inklings is also approaching our shared truth. 

The gold plating reflects this highest value. 

In the only clearly readable group of words 

FUTURE of past I condense all incomplete feelings, acquired thoughts, information and insights from my involvement with Maurinmühle. 

The past is over and despite partly conscious and partly unconscious efforts to avoid it, it is the unalterably real basis of our present and thus forms our future. 

These artistically created memorial works are a future for this past just as the past is our future 

certainly. Both are true at the same time.

English (UK)

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