Susanne Gabler Artist


Exhibition Art Prize Rostock 2023


Social Object
21.10 – 3.12.2023
Schaudepot Kunsthalle Rostock
Embroidery is a contemplative, age- and gender-inclusive and, above all, a directly accessible technique. We sit together and develop our textile image as a temporary community. Each person can add a part. The individual parts are created individually. Rhythmically, piece by piece, they create a larger overall picture as a reflection of our collaboration. While embroidering, the participants surrender to the community process and temporarily connect. The embroidered fabric becomes a social object.


word art
21.10 – 3.12.2023
Schaudepot Kunsthalle Rostock
This text work addresses the location and context of their existence. In her concentration she becomes lyrical. Reflected in gold, the art shines outwards and its content is reflected in the reflections of its recipients. Always present, the little-discussed fear and its influence on our perceptions, themes and non-discussions. The white letter objects emerge from the wall, approach the viewer and carry their gold on their backs.They radiate their value to the wall, and fortunate is the one who discovers it.


21.10 – 3.12.2023
Schaudepot Kunsthalle Rostock
In their figurative form, the "Susurri" (Latin for "the Whisperers") directly interact with the collection of the Kunsthalle Rostock. They are formally a nod to classical shapes, but this is subverted by the choice of material. High-temperature (HT) pipes from hardware stores, available in various lengths, thicknesses, and fittings, provide a system that can be infinitely shaped with delight. This playful expression marries lightness with sensitive perception, as they indeed whisper. The movement of air within the pipes generates an echo that can be heard in stillness. Listening is a sense, and attentive listening is meaningful.


21.10 – 3.12.2023
Schaudepot Kunsthalle Rostock
After the performative smashing with a hammer, I repaired the buoys using an old technique. I sewed them with sheep's wool, just as valuable porcelain dishes in Iceland used to be put together for further use, sewn and boiled in milk without cream to seal up the cracks and holes. I am therefore offering it again for further use on the sea. In this idiocy, I wonder whether such a kind of return is possible and whether we learn from such repetitions.

woven plastics

21.10 – 3.12.2023
Schaudepot Kunsthalle Rostock
Washed-up, washed-out pieces of plastic on the beach of the Greenland Sea. I exclusively wove the broken and torn pieces, which were then sewn on the back with Icelandic sheep's wool to form a unified conglomerate unity. These found objects are visibly destroyed, having lost their usefulness and now serving as a disturbance in nature. Sensing this disruption, I reassemble the parts anew. Woven plastics visualize the opportunity for something new – after breaking away from their predetermined purpose.


21.10 – 3.12.2023
Schaudepot Kunsthalle Rostock
Too much work, too far away, too long absent, too broken, too dirty, too different, too big, too small, too unsuitable, too creepy, too worn, too dark, too monotonous, too much experienced, too little experienced, too colorful, too boring, too silly, too modern, too old, too politically incorrect, too peculiar.. There are many reasons that make it difficult to find a suitable second person.

This installation has now grown to more than 150 gloves since 2019. As an installation, it is impressive due to its size and diversity. When the individual parts are removed they are objectified.

Exhibition Art Prize Rostock 2023

Art Hall Rostock
21.10.2023 – 2.12.2023
Collecting and reassembling is an essential principle of Susanne Gabler's artistic approach. This creates sensitive and fine works that subtly convey their sharpness with regard to political and ecological issues. The works, which are mostly conceptual and created in situ, adapt to the spatial situation and immediate surroundings, meaning that they are created anew each time. Susanne Gabler's works can be understood as condensed discourse fragments that are reassembled into objects from existing material and linguistic material. They know how to present their mostly difficult topics in a focused manner and to transcend them through their aesthetic content. At first glance it is simply beautiful art, which can make you shudder and despair at a second glance.

Anne Martin

Nomination for Kunstpreis Rostock 2023

Object Art

21.10.2023 Ausstellung
02.12.2023 Preisverleihung
The Kulturstiftung Rostock e.V. and the Hanseatic and university city of Rostock are awarding the Rostock Art Prize - in 2023 for the 17th time. This is once again made possible thanks to the generous support of PROVINZIAL insurance. The aim of the prize is to recognize and promote artists who live in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania or whose biography and work has a connection to the region. The genre should change every year. For 2023, the art prize will be offered for object art for the first time.
Die Jury hat aus dem Kreis von 41 Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern fünf Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für den Preis nominiert.
Susanne Gabler (Wismar)
Bernd Kommnick (Neubrandenburg)
Künstlergruppe Schaum (Alexandra Lotz u. Tim Kellner, Rostock)
Marike Schreiber (Wesenberg)

Ideenreise Tribsees

at the TRAFO annual congress 2023,
an initiative of the Federal Cultural Foundation
27.09. – 29.09.2023
Wirkbau Chemnitz

TRAFO Ideenkongress 2023

I love them... the REPAIRS ON THE HOUSE, which I did in 2021 with the women's association Tribsees e.V. in a participatory and site-specific art campaign. 

[It had become quiet in Tribsees, the houses were falling apart and I decided that Tribsees needed repaired houses and that I really enjoyed repairing them. Until now I only had one technique available for this – I sew. So I sewed a house.
First I stitched up a crack in the wall in the house like a wound in the body. That was my entire sympathy as well as my complete respect for Tribsees, its structures and the people there.
Then I sewed two houses together with the women from the women's association. They crocheted the missing panes, rewoven the missing bricks and met me again and again at the house with coffee and cake until it was repaired. All this with delicate old pink crochet yarn.
Their craftsmanship is valuable and a tradition. Attaching what is valuable to the crumbling houses demonstrates the value of these houses and the city's structure. We connected with each other in a direct tactile sense. I am dealing with Tribsees, the traditions of the Tribseeser women with their city and the past with the future.] 

Und das alles kam zustande durch den wunderbaren Rahmen TRIBSEES ZUKUNFT MACHEN, in dem Ton Matton (Indie Uurbanist) ein Jahr lang Akteur:innen einlud, in Tribsees künstlerisch zu intervenieren.    

Und nun … 2 Jahre später … durfte ich zusammen mit Gitti und Sonja aus dem Frauenverein Tribsees, der Projektleiterin von Tribsees Zukunft Machen Sofie Wagner, Ton Matton des Projektinitiator und Claudia Stauß vom Neulandgewinnen e.V. nach Chemnitz reisen und Tribsees sowie mein Projekt REPARATUREN AM HAUS auf dem Ideenkongress 2023, im Wirkbau Chemnitz als eins von bundesweit 15 wundervollen Projekten vorstellen. Dieses Projekt erklärt auch wie Kunst bewegen, verändern und wirken kann. Eingeladen wurden wir vom Programm TRAFO – Modelle für Kultur im Wandel. TRAFO ist eine Initiative der Kulturstiftung des Bundes. 

Die Kongressbesucherinnen und -besucher konnten in Chemnitz am 27.9. und 28.9. eine Reise buchen. Wer die Ideenreise Tribsees buchte, kam zu uns. Wir bauten einen Tisch auf, es gab selbstgebackenen Eierlikörkuchen aus Tribsees mit angereist und wir sprachen über unser Projekt und unsere Erfahrungen.

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