Susanne Gabler Artist



Friday, 7 June 2024
In 2024, painter and AI artist Carsten Bund (LA, USA) and artist Susanne Gabler (MV, Germany) jointly developed the ROMANTISIZER. This collaboration resulted in an AI that paints romantic masterpieces forever.
The ROMANTISIZER is currently on display at the 34th state-wide art exhibition "Luft nach oben" in Greifswald.

On Friday, 7 June, at 7 pm, both will talk about their joint AI project together with curator Caroline Barth at Spielhalle KUNST in Greifswald.

Friday, 7 June 2024
7 PM
Spielhalle KUNST
Mühlenstrasse 27/28

Exhibition 17th Rostock Art Prize

2023 | object art

Exhibition Art Prize Rostock 2023

Art Hall Rostock
21.10.2023 – 2.12.2023
Collecting and reassembling is an essential principle of Susanne Gabler's artistic approach. This creates sensitive and fine works that subtly convey their sharpness with regard to political and ecological issues. The works, which are mostly conceptual and created in situ, adapt to the spatial situation and immediate surroundings, meaning that they are created anew each time. Susanne Gabler's works can be understood as condensed discourse fragments that are reassembled into objects from existing material and linguistic material. They know how to present their mostly difficult topics in a focused manner and to transcend them through their aesthetic content. At first glance it is simply beautiful art, which can make you shudder and despair at a second glance.

Anne Martin

Change of perspective_local_global

Edvard Munch House Warnemünde
25. Mai - 22. Juni 2024
The current exhibition in the Edvard Munch House in Warnemünde shows contemporary artistic positions that react to ecological situations.
My series "woven plastics" are part of this wonderful exhibition.

Objects, installations, sound collages and drawings will be on display.

Curation: Petra Schmidt Dreyblatt

Opening: Saturday, 25 May, at 3 pm
Am Strom 53
18119 Warnemünde



at the Artist Battle 2024 in the Kulturgarten Brüel
Saturday and Sunday, 18 - 19 May 2024
There will be another Artist Battle in the Kulturgarten Brüel in 2024. What's special this time is that three groups of artists are competing on the theme of ‘Crossing Borders’. We are very pleased that we as DRITTVARIABLE have been invited to design a huge wall surface in the Kulturgarten. We are doing this together with our dear colleagues and artist groups Studio 36 from Rostock and Institut für inszenierung from NRW, who were also each given a wall.

There was still plenty of art from recent years to marvel at on the action site in Brüel, Bahnhofsstraße 18B.
Of course, there was another art event with us, so the focus was on the process. Anyone could spray with us. We installed a giant PLOTTOMAT. And off we went for the visitors. They painted - together 😀

Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2024

follow us on Insta: @drittvariable


we present the ROMANTISIZER in the art show 2024 of BBK Mecklenburg-Pomerania

the ROMANTISIZER is an AI work created in collaboration with the artist Carsten Bund
Opening: Saturday, May 4th 2024, 2 PM
Duration of the exhibition: May 4 - June 30, 2024
Opening hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 11 am - 5 pm
To mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of the Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich, this year's art exhibition is being held in Greifswald, the city of his birth.

Many artists have explored romanticism on this occasion.

I am very pleased to show an AI work in this form. It was created in collaboration with the artist Carsten Bund. The ROMANTISIZER is constantly painting romantic masterpieces // The Romantics warned us about the desecration of the world and our loss of connection with it. Today we are becoming more romantic than ever. For the transfigured look back at nature, which we have irretrievably lost, unleashes in us a growing longing for intact nature. We are continuing CDF's work. But we have neither intact nature nor the irrepressible belief in God, miracles or ourselves as the greatest creature on earth at our disposal. We use his aesthetics, synthesizing methods and current images of our world. The perception of the changed situation of our nature is symbolized in each picture by the leaning viewer. The ambivalent scenes can depict beautiful sunsets as well as raging natural disasters. Here, the viewers reflect themselves.
English (UK)

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