Susanne Gabler Artist


Project presentation Susurri - southwest

Working in the US 2024
Susurri - southwest is a continuation of my work Susurri, during my stay in the US from 5 March to 9 April 2024.

Here are some views of my work in the landscapes of the south-west of the US. And impressions of my studio exhibition at the "Wonzimer" in Los Angeles.

We humans are connected to our nature and therefore all changes will have an impact on us and our coexistence.


2023 | word art


word art
in situ Art hall Rostock
as part of the exhibition of nominees for the 17th Rostock Art Prize

This text work addresses the location and context of their existence. In her concentration she becomes lyrical. Reflected in gold, the art shines outwards and its content is reflected in the reflections of its recipients. Always present, the little-discussed fear and its influence on our perceptions, themes and non-discussions. The white letter objects emerge from the wall, approach the viewer and carry their gold on their backs.They radiate their value to the wall, and fortunate is the one who discovers it.


2018 | object


found object

This find depicts a paradisiacal underwater landscape.
While this lighter drifted through the Baltic Sea as plastic waste, it became the basis of life for sea creatures (mussels and lichens).
Did it become an underwater paradise again?

it takes two

2022 | object

it takes two

Künstlerhaus Dortmund
in situ für die Ausstellung
"it takes two wo Tango"

Closeness through distance.

In tango, both dance partners keep a very precise distance between them.
To do this, they have to perform their movements together and precisely.
The better they manage to do this together, the more elegant the choreography looks. Do they know and feel each other? Do they take over their partner's movements in time? Can they make complex movement sequences look fluid and light together?

In dance, there is always a space between them - a distance. However, they primarily create an image of great closeness with their unified movements.

So there is no closeness without distance. The distance they both agree on is always the right degree of closeness.


2018 | object


washed up buoys, sheep wool

created during an Artist-in-Residence at NES in Skagaströnd in Iceland

After the performative smashing with a hammer, I repaired the buoys using an old technique. I sewed them with sheep's wool, just as valuable porcelain dishes in Iceland used to be put together for further use, sewn and boiled in milk without cream to seal up the cracks and holes. I am therefore offering it again for further use on the sea. In this idiocy, I wonder whether such a kind of return is possible and whether we learn from such repetitions.

English (UK)

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