Susurri | Ortszeit IV

2023 | Objekt | Maurinmühle


war Teil der ortsbezogenen Gruppenausstellung
Ortszeit IV Wahrheitsfindung und Versöhnung Maurinmühle Teil 2

Maurinmühle – a place like there are many. Places where our shared history is so heavy that it's better not to exist. In such areas you are alone, surrounded by nature and moved by premonitions.

Susurri lädt vor Ort ein, diesen Gefühlen nachzuspüren.

The wind is caught in the open pipe, swings in it and something audible is created in this small space. With silence, concentration and time, everyone can perceive something.

Does the wind sound like singing, wailing, crying, calling? What do you hear?

Hearing is a sense. Listening in a meaningful way makes only sense.

The installation heard something is an invitation to take time to listen mindfully.


acoustic installation, mixed media, 2023